Program Chairs
Richard M. Bogoroch
Bogoroch & Associates LLP
Bronwyn Martin
Moodie Mair Walker Lawyers
Get up-to-date and well briefed and join this critical dialogue about vital developments in the ever-evolving field of personal injury law.
Whether you represent plaintiffs or defendants/insurers, get crucial insights and solutions to key challenges in personal injury practice.
Don’t miss this comprehensive update in interesting and engaging topics highly relevant to everyone working in personal injury law. You’ll hear from expert practitioners and the bench about the most important current issues, while also gaining perspectives that will help to better inform your practice as an advocate.
Registration includes 120-day unlimited, online access to the recorded program.
What You’ll Learn
Top 10 Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice cases over the past 12 months
The current state of damages in Personal Injury cases: pecuniary general damages, damages for loss of competitive advantage, and damages for future care
Rule 7 motions: an essential overview and key information about procedure and outcomes
Practice & Procedure – Moving your case efficiently: timetables, discovery plans, and Case Conferences, with regional perspectives from across Ontario
Anatomy of a Personal Injury case: analysis of Sanson v. Paterson and Moffitt v. TD Canada Trust
Solicitor Negligence cases in PI: what to be aware of and what steps to take to avoid E & O claims
The Law Behind Birth Injury Cases
Mentorship and training the next generation of PI lawyers
Who Should Attend
Personal injury litigators (Plaintiff and Defence/Insurer)
In-house litigation counsel
Litigation paralegals
Litigation law clerks
Insurance professionals (claims examiners/managers) who want to deepen their knowledge of the applicable law
Program Chairs
Richard M. Bogoroch
Bogoroch & Associates LLP
Bronwyn Martin
Moodie Mair Walker Lawyers
Printable registration form
If a downloadable form is required, please contact
“Is financial assistance or funding available?”
As law evolves, we know how important it is to stay up to date. We also understand the financial implications of continuously upgrading your professional skills and knowledge. For more information on available options, including Job Grants, OSAP, please visit:
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Deeper Learning Opportunities
Are you a law graduate or an executive/senior professional with at least 5 years of specialized experience? Consider a full-time or part-time LLM degree.
The Osgoode Certificate
Stay competitive with deep dives into the most critical issues in law. Taught by leading experts and designed for flexible learning, choose from multi-day programs or take courses at your own pace to build towards a certificate.
Single Course Enrollment
Do you have an LLB/JD? Consider taking a single LLM course for deeper learning in a specific area of practice – all credits will apply towards a Professional LLM.
Frequently Asked Questions
Client and Technical Support
Have questions? Get advice in person, by email or over the phone.
Program content questions
Stephen Ahad, Program Lawyer
Registration questions
Technical support
Online Technical Requirements
To ensure you do not encounter any issues that will impact or limit your learning experience, please review the following information.