March 15, 2022
Who Are We Looking for?
There’s no such thing as a typical Osgoode LLM student, especially when it comes to students who don’t have a legal background. These students make up about one-third of our student body across all specializations and come from a wide variety of backgrounds.
Common Characteristics
The diversity of our student body is an important aspect of our program, and while students’ experiences vary greatly, they all share the following common characteristics:
Applied Legal Knowledge – You may not have formally studied law, but you’ve learned about it on the job. For example, you may have worked closely with law departments or lawyers; been involved with drafting or applying policy; examined and assessed legal risks in a corporate setting; had a role in a regulatory body or tribunal; or contributed to drafting, analyzing, or applying law and regulations. You bring an understanding of the specific legal framework and issues affecting your industry or profession and are ready to discuss the theory and practice of law with lawyers and other professionals in related areas.
Academic Aptitude – In addition to professionally-acquired legal knowledge, you bring a strong academic foundation and an inquisitive approach. You feel ready to learn how to be a graduate law student and to engage in rich academic and practical discussions with your instructors and classmates. You are excited to spend time reading and thinking about the foundational legal concepts in your area of specialization, and to explore longstanding legal debates, as well as hot topics and issues of the day. You want to master speaking and writing about the law’s academic and practical implications.
Professional and Personal Vision – You know where you’d like to go in your career and how graduate study in law can help. Perhaps you want to move into a more senior, more risk-related role; or you’d like to help set policy or regulation in your industry; or you would like to become a decision-maker in a legal setting. Many Professional LLM students are seeking knowledge and understanding that will improve their skills and their relationships in their current role, or looking for an expanded, multi-disciplinary network of professionals connected to law.


Experience Related to LLM

Want to know more about the Professional LLM? Sign up for an Information Session for Non-Lawyer Professionals!