Advance your level of expertise in a specific area of law.

Are you a lawyer? Broaden knowledge of your practice area or take your career in a new direction, on your time.

Don’t have a law degree? We welcome applicants in senior or executive roles who deal with legal issues and risks.

Did you complete your law degree outside of Canada?

If you are on the road to Canadian accreditation, or need language or foundational training, we have options tailored for you.

Delve deeper into your practice area.

Our programs are designed for working professionals as a way to bridge theory and practice.

Administrative Law

Business Law

Canadian Common Law

Constitutional Law

Construction Law

Criminal Law and Procedure

Dispute Resolution

Energy and Infrastructure Law

Financial Law

General Law

Health Law

Intellectual Property Law

International Business Law

Labour Relations and Employment Law

Privacy and Cybersecurity Law

Application Open

Securities Law

Taxation Law

Attend an upcoming information session.

LLM in Taxation Law

Michael Saxe, CPA, CA, LLM

Partner, Taxation Services MNP

This program has raised the bar for my future academic endeavours. Osgoode’s LLM in Taxation Law was an exciting and challenging program which developed my understanding and knowledge of tax law beyond my expectations. The faculty and staff were incredibly helpful, professional, and generous with their assistance.

LLM in Health Law

Omar Ha-Redeye, JD, LLM

Counsel, Fleet Street Law

As a lawyer, you’re constantly having to learn and stay current. The LLM in Health Law gives you a target and the structure to reach that goal. You’ll draw on some of the best expertise that’s out there. Completing the program has made me a better teacher, lawyer, and specialist.

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